
适用于:Windows 10、Windows 8.1、Windows Server 2019、Windows Server 2016、Windows Server 2012 R2Applies to: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2

Microsoft Remote Desktop Beta 10.3.8(微软windows远程连接工具) Jump Desktop for Mac 8.4.7 远程桌面应用程序 破解版下载 Jump Desktop for Mac 8.3.11 远程桌面软件 兼容RDP和VNC. 疫情严重,公司实行远程办公。自己只有mac电脑,苦于3个系统间跨平台建立远程桌面。 今天,终于尝试成功!特来记录,以防别人踩坑! Mac远程软件安装 Remote Desktop Manager软件非.

可以使用 Microsoft 远程桌面客户端,通过几乎任何设备从几乎任意位置连接到远程电脑和你的工作资源。You can use a Microsoft Remote Desktop client to connect to a remote PC and your work resources from almost anywhere using just about any device.你可以连接到你的工作电脑并访问你的所有应用、文件和网络资源,就像坐在办公桌前面一样。You can connect to your work PC and have access to all of your apps, files, and network resources as if you were sitting at your desk.通过使用 RD 客户端,即可在工作时使应用处于打开状态,然后在家里查看这些相同应用。You can leave apps open at work and then see those same apps at home - all by using the RD client.

在开始之前,请务必查看受支持的配置一文,其中介绍了可以使用远程桌面客户端连接到的电脑。Before you start, make sure you check out the supported configuration article, which discusses the PCs that you can connect to using the Remote Desktop clients.另外,请查看客户端常见问题解答。Also check out the client FAQ.

以下客户端应用可用:The following client apps are available:

设备Device获取应用Get the app设置说明Set up instructions
Windows 桌面Windows DesktopWindows 桌面客户端Windows Desktop clientWindows 桌面客户端入门Get started with the Windows Desktop client
Windows 应用商店Windows StoreMicrosoft Store 中的 Windows 10 客户端Windows 10 client in the Microsoft StoreWindows Store 客户端入门Get started with the Windows Store client
AndroidAndroidGoogle Play 中的 Android 客户端Android client in Google PlayAndroid 客户端入门Get started with the Android client
iOSiOSiTunes 商店中的 iOS 客户端iOS client in the iTunes storeiOS 客户端入门Get started with the iOS client
macOSmacOSiTunes 商店中的 macOS 客户端macOS client in the iTunes storemacOS 客户端入门Get started with the macOS client

配置远程电脑Configuring the remote PC

若要在远程访问前配置远程电脑,请允许访问你的电脑。To configure your remote PC before accessing it remotely, Allow access to your PC.

远程桌面客户端 URI 方案Remote Desktop client URI scheme


Microsoft 远程 桌面 Mac Download

通过启用统一资源标识符 (URI) 方案,可以跨平台集成远程桌面客户端的功能。You can integrate features of Remote Desktop clients across platforms by enabling a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) scheme.查看适用于 iOS、Mac、和 Android 客户端的受支持的 URI 属性。Check out the supported URI attributes that you can use with the iOS, Mac, and Android clients.